Friday, August 7, 2009

Cam's 2nd lost tooth-July 15th

Within 1 week, Camden lost his second tooth-toothfairy better remember-hopefully she has change

Sleeping-July 14th

Cam usually goes thru phases on which stuffed animal or such to sleep with. Well, lately it has been Woody. He said that Woody helps protect him and keeps him safe and that he can also arrest any burglars that try to break in-cause he is a sheriff mom (is what he said) So, I thought it was so adorable that he was actually holding him so close and for such a long time-it was past ten by this time. So cute-growing up too fast.

Chess like Gerry's Game-July 13th

It was so funny. Well, both boys love to play chess-Dave taught them well. I still have not been taught. But, I walk into the living room after getting my shower and Bay has dad's work glasses on playing chess by himself. I asked what he was doing. He said he was playing by himself like Gerry does (A Bug's Life) and he was using the work glasses like Gerry uses glasses. Then Camden wanted in on the action. It was freakin' hilarious!!!What vivid imaginations they have.

So far behind

Yes, again I have neglected my blog-hoping this will change soon-like when school starts. The boys already complain I am on the computer too much so at least when they are in school, I will not feel guilty. I tell them it is about them but they are stubborn-like someone I know. So, here are just a few pics and entries..hoping to come back later and fully journal

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Great Sunday

Yesterday we had such a great day as a family. After church, we came home and Dave BBQ'd some juicy burgers with melted mozzarella cheese. We also had a delicious red potato salad with dill and Baked lays. Yummy!!!! Ofcourse I skipped the potato salad (did have a bite-so good) and had a bowl of strawberries. I have been practically living off strawberries this summer. What am I going to do when the season is over? No more stopping on the way home from swim at the little stand and picking up a flat of them.Which delicious fruit is next in season? I am already freaking out-I love strawberries!!! I think we will be hitting the Clovis Farmers Market this week and buying up some yummy goodies. Better find out when it is...

Ok, went a little off the subject. After we ate, we came inside-cause I was sweating pretty badly and Camden had invited us to his room for desserts and game time. It was so adorable. So, we went to his room and they had Hostess chocolate cupcakes for dessert and we played Yahtzee, Uno and Pictureka for like 2 hours. It was so nice just "being " a family. Time just flew by. Before we knew it, it was almost 3:45. Well, then we kind of went our seperate ways for a while. I, ofcourse started making some cards, Dave started playing his XBOX and the boys watched and reenacted what game daddy was playing. Still full from lunch, we just sort of snacked for dinner and before we knew it, it was the boys bedtime. Another great day!!I love my family!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Camden's First Lost Tooth

I cannot believe my "baby" lost his very first tooth. It seems like just yesterday he was getting his first teeth in. Time flies-it is bittersweet. Sad to know he is my last and there is nothing to be done about that. But so proud of how he is growing and maturing. He is my little helper. Always wanting to help-such a kind heart on this one. Now when he smiles, I am reminded just how fast he is growing. I am pretty happy that tooth is out. He has been tormenting me for a week with that nasty bloody thing. I can deal with poop messes, throw up, bugs, etc but something about the mouth just totally grosses me out. I literally gag and he loves it-it was torture but no more. Well, not until he has another loose one. Hopefully the Tooth Fairy will be on her game tonight. I am all out of excuses.

Friday, July 3, 2009